About 水果列表
1. 多汁且有甜味的開花植物果實。
2. 水分較少,但具有甜味的芭蕉科植物果實。
3. 具有果肉,可食用的漿果、柑果、核果、梨果、瓠果。
4. 花托膨大成假果的腰果以及乾果類,或豆類,或堅果類之植物果實
了解多一點。 If water species list (Species) as the basic unit include those principles can be eaten raw, and:
1. There are juicy and sweet fruit of flowering plants.
2. The less water, but the banana plants have fruit sweetness.
3. Has flesh, edible berries, citrus fruit, stone fruit, pome, false berry.
4. Tori enlarged into fake cashew fruit and dried fruit, or beans, nuts or fruits of plants
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