Brute-Force Calculator for Android
Where is the buy button?
I previously thought that this app sent passwords to their server, but I was wrong. I did in fact check this with a packet sniffer, and found that they DID NOT send the passwords.
Awesome, I've always looked for something like this. Also looks like nobody can figure out my password in less than 552.83 years.
I'm safe for 557.4878Billion years. Will this technology last that long? ha ha
Im good for 50k years
Fairly pointless, it the previous reviewer is correct about the dev storing these passwords then I would avoid this app at all cost. People go a long way to build a fairly recent and accurate dictionary and if the dev is storing these passwords then it's almost certain he is hashing them as well while adding them to a private dictionary. As for authentic it's hard to say, the first password I tried was AznIsBestR (a password I brute forced awhile back with a friend) .. long story short it's a little game we have where we just hash random words or phrases and send them to each other to see how effective we have gotten. I brute forced the above pass in 41 mins. The app suggests it will take 2.93 years which is far off and to the best of my ability the dev doesn't seem to list what hash he predicts the password will last under. Maybe Bcrypt but sha1 would melt and any good dictionary and ruleset would defeat most good passwords. My advice include / ( ) in the middle ish of your password with the cap you like to put at the front of your pass (along with the 2-4 numbers at the end) in the center. People rarely check for as the are uncommon and typically people want the fast hashes not the one guy with 256 character password. Also for the love of God please stop using the season followed by 20## or ## People go a long way to build rulesets that defeat 80% of all good passwords because it's typical for everyone to use the same format (cap in front #'s at the end roughly 8 characters long). Use a passphrase from now on virtually anything will work (for example) "the mouSe ran)down the road" it's long, hard to brute force and most dictionaries rarely go past 12 characters unless you use live dive which likes to throw a string of numbers at the end.
Great way to get a general idea of how long it would take to crack a password. Aids in you fine tuning your password to maximize the effectiveness of the password.
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by P####: