Utica 311

Utica 311 Free App

Rated 3.83/5 (6) —  Free Android application by Capraro Technologies Inc.


About Utica 311

Utica 311 is a mobile app that allows one to report, while at the scene, non-emergency problems with their smartphone. You can take up to three pictures of the problem and choose from the following list of categories to describe your message. Your location will be sent along with your message. When the problem is corrected an email will be sent you.

1. Animal Related Issues
2. Building - Remodeling Without Permit
3. Fence Issue
4. Garbage or Rubbish Accumulation
5. Graffiti
6. Green Waste
7. High Grass
8. Lawn Damage
9. Leaf, Grass, Brush Piles
10 Loud Noise or Music
11. Manhole -- Catch Basin Issue
12. Obstruction
13. Parking Issues
14. Plowed Snow Issues
15. Potholes
16. Sewer Issue
17. Sidewalk Issues
18. Sign Issues
19. Street Light Out
20. Tree Issues
21. Other

How to Download / Install

Download and install Utica 311 version 1.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.cnybit.utica311, download Utica 311.apk

All Application Badges

For everyone
Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
--Minor changes to accommodate older phones with smaller screens during the registration process.
Version update Utica 311 was updated to version 1.2
More downloads  Utica 311 reached 100 - 500 downloads

What are users saying about Utica 311

by X####:

Its ok

by Q####:

If I ever have anything to report I will definitely try this out. But as far as the app is concerned there are a few minor issues. Hitting back usually returns you to your phone's home where I'd expect it to go to the last screen I was on. I didn't want to make an account but you can't use the app unless you have one, which I guess helps avoid abuse as they will know who reported an issue. I think there are rules for the password but they aren't displayed anywhere. You can't delete your account either.

by X####:

Good start needs improvement.

by X####:

What a surprise at end of sign up there is not a button to accept SIGN UP INFO..I WILL REVIEW AGAIN ONCE IM ABLE TO USE

by X####:

Not a single issue! Quick and easy to create a profile and easy to use to submit issues!

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6 users