About Terjemah Aqidatul Awwam
Terjemah Kitab Tauhid 'Aqidatul 'Awam karya Syeich Ahmad Al Marzuki.
Aqidatul Awam merupakan tuntunan tauhid yang wajib dipahami dan diyakini oleh setiap muslim.
Menceritakan tentang sifat-sifat Alah (sifat wajib, sifat jaiz dan sifat mustahil), sifat-sifat Rasul (sifat wajib, sifat jaiz, dan sifat ma'sum), nama-nama para Nabi dan Rasul, Kitab-Kitab Allah, para Malaikat, keimanan pada hari akhir, isra' dan mi'raj, kisah Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan lain-lain. Translation of the Book of Monotheism 'Aqidatul' Public works Syeich Ahmad Al Marzuki.
Aqidatul Layman is a guidance monotheism be understood and believed by every Muslim.
Telling about the properties of Alah (the mandatory nature, characteristics and properties impossible allowed but not required), the properties of Rasul (the mandatory nature, nature allowed but not required, and the nature of Ma'sum), the names of the Prophets, and Scriptures of Allah, the angels , faith in the end of the day, Isra 'and mi'raj, the story of the Prophet Muhammad, and others.