About 2013鹿港冬遊季
「2013鹿港冬遊季」App為中州科技大學管理學院中小企業診斷與行銷中心及資訊管理系與鹿港鎮公所共同產學合作,專門為冬遊季所開發之適地性服務(LBS,Location-Based Service)科技導覽App,讓遊客能在鹿港「吃喝玩樂」一次滿足,在App中主要分為古早味的「古意鹿港」與現代化的「創意鹿港」,另外還有最新消息及多元的活動介紹。活動精采可期!在古早味裡,家長可以回味以前小時候所玩的踩高蹺、打陀螺;肚子餓時則可以享受鹿港豐富的小吃美宴。而在現代化中,更有親子能共同玩樂的飛盤嘉年華及現代人流行的夜跑。當然,好吃好玩的不只這些,我們還有更多活動等著遊客們前來體驗!
特別提醒本App有強大的「導航」功能,可以透過Google Map的導航功能,帶您穿梭在鹿港的大街小巷,也有友善的「分享」功能,可以透過facebook、LINE或Twitter, Plurk等通訊軟體,讓您可以將各活動訊息分享或發佈給親朋好友,希望能帶給您智慧遊鹿港的美麗新體驗。 "2013 Lukang Dong season," App of Zhongzhou University of Technology School of Management Diagnosis and marketing center for SMEs and Information Management together with Lukang town hall industry-university cooperation, developed specifically for Dong quarter of location-based services (LBS, Location-Based Service) Technology Navigation App, so that visitors can Lukang "eat, drink," once met, the App typified mainly divided into "old-fashioned Lukang" and modern "Creative Lukang", in addition to latest news and diversified Activities. Exciting activities can be expected! In traditional fashion, the parents of the child before playing aftertaste stilts, playing gyroscope; hungry when you can enjoy the beauty of Lukang rich snack feast. In modern times, there are parents can work together to have fun Frisbee Carnival and modern popular night run. Of course, the delicious fun not only that, we have more activities waiting for visitors to come and experience!
In particular there is a strong reminder of the App "navigation" feature, you can navigate through the Google Map function, the shuttle takes you to the streets in Lukang, there are also friendly "sharing" feature, you can through facebook, LINE or Twitter, Plurk and other communications software that allows you to share or publish each event message to friends and family, hoping to bring the beauty of your wisdom swim Lukang new experiences.