About Pescuit Sportiv Lite
Aceasta este versiunea gratuită a aplicației “Pescuit Sportiv”, in care pescarii aflati la inceput de drum gasesc 72 de articole clare, foarte precis structurate si usor de inteles.
- ce presupune un prim echipament de pescuit
- 5 monturi importante (explicate pas-cu-pas in imagini si texte)
- 3 noduri folosite frecvent (instructiuni pas-cu-pas)
- cum si unde se prind 3 dintre cele mai populare specii de pesti de apa dulce (areal, zonele in care pot fi pescuiti, echipamentul necesar, nalucile si/sau momelile eficiente)
- cele mai bune locuri de pescuit in apele statoare si curgatoare
- 3 momeli de succes in pescuitul pe apa dulce (aplicabilitate, specii vizate, avantaje, dezavantaje, sfaturi si secrete pentru fiecare momeala în parte)
In categoria “Tehnici de pescuit” sunt prezentate 3 dintre tehnicile de masurare, lestare si aruncare corecta in diferite discipline de pescuit. Tehnicile sunt explicate intr-un mod clar și intuitiv și sunt insotide de foto si/sau video explicite.
“Trusa de pescuit” este reprezentata grafic intr-un mod foarte prietenos, contine 6 articole prezentate integral, si reprezinta practic o sugestie vizavi de varianta de organizare a accesoriilor de pescuit in trusa ta.
In categoria “Echipament” gasesti 45 de articole cu ilustratii clare, care explica anatomia carligului, a lansetei si mulinetei, caracteristicile si tipurile fiecareia. De asemenea, aici gasesti solutii clare pentru primul echipament de pescuit.
În zona “Sfaturi si secrete” ai 3 informatii importante pentru succesul unei partide de pescuit, recomandari venite de la pescari cu experienta in competitii, dar si in partide de placere.
In versiunea completă a aplicatiei Pescuit Sportiv poti afla cum poti captura cele mai importante 30 de specii de pesti de apa dulce,iar cele 9 capitole contin informatii mai ample despre tehnici de pescuit, monturi, momeli, nade, fire, noduri si o zona foarte consistenta in sfaturi si secrete.
Te invitam sa descoperi si celelalte aplicatii lansate international sub marca Clear Fishing. Am conceput si structurat informatiile cu grija, pentru ca tu sa ai mai mult succes in viitoarele partide de pescuit.
Clear Fishing este marca internationala a Picnic Media.
Picnic Media este operatorul revistei de pescuit nr.1 din Romania – Aventuri la pescuit/ Pescuit pur si simplu, al celui mai mare targ de pescuit din tara Expo Aventuri la pescuit si vanatoare/ Expo Pescuit pur si simplu, al unei serii de 21 de ghiduri de pescuit de succes national, al siturilor www.aventuri lapescuit.ro si www.expoaventuri.ro. This is the free version of the application "Sport Fishing" in which fishermen at the beginning of the road found 72 articles clearly, very precisely structured and easy to understand.
Find out:
- Implies a first fishing equipment
- 5 important frames (explained step-by-step pictures and text)
- 3 knots commonly used (step-by-step instructions)
- How and where to catch three of the most popular species of freshwater fish (area, areas that can be fished necessary equipment, baits and / or lures effective)
- The best fishing spots in the state and flowing waters
- Three successful bait fishing in freshwater (applicability, target species, advantages, disadvantages, tips and secrets for each bait in hand)
In category "Fishing Techniques" contains 3 of the measurement techniques and the correct ballast and throw different fishing disciplines. The techniques are explained in a clear and intuitive and are insotide photo and / or video explicit.
"Fishing kit" is plotted in a very friendly, contains six articles presented in full, and is basically a variant opposite suggestion of organizing fishing accessories in your kit.
In category "Equipment" find 45 articles with clear illustrations that explain the anatomy of the hook, the rod and reel, and characteristics of each type. Also here you can find clear solutions to the first fishing equipment.
In the "Tips and Tricks" of three important information for a successful fishing trip, recommendations coming from experienced fishermen in competitions, but in parties of pleasure.
In the full version of the application Angling can find out how capture the most important 30 species of freshwater fish and the 9 chapters contain extensive information about fishing techniques, rigs, baits, lures, wire knots and a very consistency in tips and secrets.
We invite you to discover the other applications launched by Clear Fishing. We designed and structured information carefully so that you have more success in the future fishing trips.
Clear Fishing is worldwide brand of Picnic Media.
Picnic Media is fishing magazine No.1 operator in Romania - Adventures Fishing / Fishing simply the largest trade fair Expo country fishing adventures fishing and hunting / Fishing Expo simply of a series of 21 successful fishing guides national and www.expoaventuri.ro lapescuit.ro www.aventuri of sites.