About Census US - Maps and Places
Moving? Relocating? What's here? Is this a good neighborhood? How does my neighborhood compare? How rich is this area?
For home buyers and real estate agents: Find neighborhoods that are a good match.
For home owners and residents: See how your area compares at the local, county, state, metropolitan, place and national levels.
For anyone researching or looking for background information on where someone is from: Get family income, earnings, population, education level, and more demographics info from the census tract through the national levels.
Plus, locate schools, sports, shopping, parks, places of worship, and more. Select a location, tap on the map, and learn:
What do people earn here?
What are the richest and poorest neighborhoods?
What percentage are married, divorced, or single family households?
What percentage have college degrees?
Combining the most recent US Census data with Google Maps and Places, this easy to use app lets you search for an address, tap anywhere on the map, or navigate through the location menu and get demographic information.
Note: The app uses Google Maps to interactively select locations. The app does not save data nor access any storage or accounts on devices. The permissions listed are required for Google Maps. All data is downloaded and displayed from the publicly available US Census API's at api.census.gov, Google Maps and Google Places API's.
by O####:
Boy you can really get up close and personal with this app. Thank you