Taxi Preferente

Taxi Preferente Free App

Rated 1.83/5 (6) —  Free Android application by 5m2


About Taxi Preferente

Ponemos en la palma de tu mano la posibilidad de solicitar un taxi privado especialmente diseñado para transportar personas con capacidades diferentes.

Contamos con unidades exclusivas pensadas para personas con capacidades diferentes así como personal especialmente seleccionado y entrenado. Así mismo el servicio está disponible para pasajeros que requieran un transporte tradicional sin costo adicional alguno.

Aprovecha este servicio novedoso en la Ciudad de México y esta nueva alternativa a los proveedores tradicionales.

¡Descarga nuestra app y prueba Taxi Preferente! We put in the palm of your hand the possibility of applying a specially designed to transport people with disabilities private taxi.

We have exclusive units designed for people with specially selected and trained staff as well as different capacities. Likewise, the service is available to passengers who require traditional transport at no additional cost.

Take advantage of this new service in Mexico City and this new alternative to traditional suppliers.

Download our app Taxi Preferred test!

How to Download / Install

Download and install Taxi Preferente version 1.0.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.cincomdos.taxiPreferente, download Taxi Preferente.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
New Ui components
Credit Card Payment
Version update Taxi Preferente was updated to version 1.0.0
More downloads  Taxi Preferente reached 100 - 500 downloads

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6 users