About Čigota
Ideja za izgradnju Lečilišta na Zlatiboru javila se krajem 19 veka, a realizovana je u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka.
Lokalitet Zlatibora izabran je na osnovu elaborata koji je uradio tim stručnjaka: lekari, klimatolozi, arhitekte.
Rezultati lečenja bili su neuporedivo bolji u odnosu na ranije isključivo medikamentno lečenje, tako da je ova ustanova postala jedinstven centar za lečenje oboljenja štitaste žlezde na Balkanu.
Od osnivanja težilo se naučno-stručnom usponu, u čemu je veliki doprinos imala saradnja sa Institutom za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra u Beogradu, što je omogućilo da naša ustanova postane baza Medicinskog fakulteta u okviru koje se razvila naučna, prosvetna i specijalizovana delatnost.
Više o istorijatu
Specijalna bolnica bavi se kompletnom dijagnostikom i terapijom oboljenja štitaste žlezde, dijagnostikom i terapijom kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, dijagnostikom osteoporoze, terapijom dečije i adolescentne gojaznosti, dijagnostikom i terapijom oboljenja koštano zglobnog sistema. The idea to build Lečilišta Zlatibor occurred in the late 19th century, and was realized in the second half of the twentieth century.
Zlatibor The site was chosen on the basis of a study by a team of professionals: doctors, climatologists, architects.
The results of treatment were much better compared to earlier exclusively drug therapy, so that this institution has become a unique center for the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland in the Balkans.
Since the foundation was a commitment to scientific and professional ascent, what's great contribution was cooperation with the Institute for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University Clinical Center in Belgrade, which has enabled our institution becomes Faculty of Medicine within which to develop scientific, educational and specialized activity.
More about history
Special hospital deals with a complete diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the thyroid gland, diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis diagnosis, treatment of children and adolescent obesity, diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the bone and joint system.