About 祁隆 Qi Long 歌曲 演唱会 全部新的歌 人生路 愛你一生 愛的期限 等你等了那么久 mix
祁隆 (Qi Long) 内地当红音乐人,唱作歌手,金牌音乐制作人,北京隆娱文化创始人,“祁式音乐”风格创始人,现今唱片市场的宠儿,被圈内人士和媒体认为是华语乐坛歌曲中标率最高的唱作歌手。
我们提供 祁隆 最好的歌曲, 如:
又见山里红 - 爱的世界只有你
亲爱的别想我 - 亲爱的别想我
醉相思 - 醉相思
人生路 - 人生路
等你等了那么久 - 醉相思
今生遇见你 - 今生遇见你
恋红尘 - 恋红尘
爱你一生 - 隆行天下
一生为你感动 - 老父亲
爱的世界只有你 - 爱的世界只有你
听这首歌, 用高速互联网连接。(3G H+, 4G, WiFi)
(1) 申请不是正式的, 它只是一个风扇, 旨在普及的歌手。
(2) 所有商标和版权都是其各自所有者的财产。
(3) 申请不推荐或隶属于 祁隆 或
-只购买原始的东西, CD, DVD, 乙烯基, 或其他音乐产品。
-跟随音乐家的官方社交媒体账户, 如 youtube, facebook, instagram, 等。
立即下载并共享!谢谢! Long Qi (Qi Long) Mainland popular musician, singer-songwriter, music producer Gold, founder of Beijing-long entertainment culture, "Qi-style music," founder of the style, the darling of today's music market, are considered to be insiders and the media Chinese music songs highest rate of successful singer-songwriter.
We offer the best songs Qi Long, such as:
See Shan Lihong - the world of love only you
Dear Do not try me - I even think about dear
Acacia drunk - drunk Acacia
Way of life - way of life
I waited for you for so long - drunk Acacia
This life to meet you - this life to meet you
Love Red - Red Love
Love your life - Takayuki world
Your life is touched - old father
The world of love only you - only you love the world
Listen to this song, high-speed Internet connection. (3G H +, 4G, WiFi)
(1) the application is not official, it's just a fan, aims to popularize the singer.
(2) All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
(3) the application does not recommend or affiliated with, or Qi Long
Attached to it.
- Listen to the legal / official download the original music.
- purchase only original stuff, CD, DVD, vinyl, or other music products.
- Follow the musician's official social media accounts, such as youtube, facebook, instagram, and so on.
- purchase concert tickets
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