Ceramah Lucu KH. Anwar Zahid for Android
Ceramah yang beliau sampaikan senantiasa seputaran dengan masalah ubudiyah, amaliyah dan syari'ah yang tersaji dengan guyonan. Sehingga ceramah itu sanggup merangkul berbagai lapisan masyarakat dari anak-anak, remaja hingga tak luput juga sampai orang tua.
Namun apakah kalian tahu asal usul profil dan dimana beliau tinggal sampai kapan beliau terlahir? Untuk itu kita pecinta jamaah ceramah beliau untuk lebih dekat dengan mengenal terlebih dahulu dengan menyimak biodata profil lengkap kh. anwar zahid ulama' besar nahdlotul ulama'.
Nama : Anwar Zahid
Alamat : Dukuh Patoman Desa Simorejo kec. Kanor kab.Bojonegoro.
Selain Penceramah Beliau juga pengasuh pondok pesantren Attarbiyah Islamiyah Assyafi’iyah. Mungkin sobat sudah tahu dengan beberapa cuplikan Mp3 maupun video yang disampaikan oleh beliau yang pada dasarnya ceramah yang beliau sampaikan berisikan ceramah humoris namun tak pernah terkesampingkan dengan kualitas isi ceramah islaminya.
Ya patut kita ikuti dakwah yang beliau sampaikan selain berisikan syarat rukun islam beliau juga memberikan beberapa cerita islam para tokoh yang sudah lebih dulu tiada selain banyak manfaatnya dari syiar beliau kita lebih berpribadi islami yang kokoh dan selalu tetap ingat kepadaNya.
Kh. Anwar Zahid merupakan salah satu tokoh islam fenomenal yang selama ini saya tahu, selain bersya'ar dakwah islam beliau juga merupakan pengasuh pon pes yang dibangunnya, dengan title alhafidz beliau menurunkan ilmunya kepada kaum muda islam sebagai penerus agama yang benar.
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan ceramah dari Ustadz KH Anwar Zahid.
KH. Anwar Zahid new Islamic struggle is a character which is famous as a preacher slang fame Indoneisa all corners of the country, with a lecture accompanied by the original tone of Java timuran figure he became the successor of the Islamic leaders.Lectures which he conveyed always seputaran with problems ubudiyah, amaliyah and Shari'ah are presented with jokes. So the lecture was capable of embracing all walks of life of children, adolescents and did not escape also to the elderly.
But do you know the origin of the profile and where he lived until when he was born? For that we are lovers of his lectures pilgrims to get closer to know in advance the bio listening kh's full profile. anwar zahid scholars 'great nahdlotul ulama'.
Name: Anwar Zahid
Address: Hamlet Village Patoman Simorejo excl. Kanor kab.Bojonegoro.
Besides Lecturer He also caregivers boarding Attarbiyah Assyafi'iyah Islamiyah. Maybe my friend already knew to some Mp3 and video footage submitted by him is basically a lecture which he said represents a lecture contains humorous but never terkesampingkan with the quality of the contents of its Islamic lectures.
Yes we should follow the propaganda that he conveyed in addition to containing the terms pillar of Islam, he also gave some story Islamic leaders who had already gone in addition to many benefits of our more impersonal symbols of his strong Islamic and always keep in mind to Him.
Kh. Anwar Zahid is one of the leaders of Islam phenomenal that so far I know, besides bersya'ar Islamic da'wah he is also a nanny pound pes built, with the title alhafidz he lowered his knowledge to the young people of Islam as a successor to the true religion.
This application contains a collection of lectures from Ustadz KH Anwar Zahid.