Анекдоты про новых русских for Android
Конечно, многие анекдоты о новых русских основаны на банальной людской зависти к более успешным людям, сумевшим перестроить свое мышление при наступившем капитализме. Но бывали и веселые случаи, которые народный фольклор превратил в анекдоты.
Наверное, каждый, кто выживал в 90-е годы, помнит образ "нуворишей" и прочитав эти анекдоты, вспомнит, как люди жили в то смутное время.
Dashing 90th passed and the phenomenon of the new Russian in crimson jackets, with a gold chain around his neck, Mobile and raspaltsovkoy also gone. But still many people remember this phenomenon when ordinary Soviet citizens after Perestroika suddenly became "new", changed the image on a bright jacket, gold and "very specific market", "in-kind".Of course, many anecdotes about the new Russian based on the banal human envy of the more successful people who managed to reconstruct their thinking during the coming capitalism. But there were also funny incidents that folklore turned into jokes.
Probably everyone who survived in the 90s, remembers the image of the "nouveau riche" and read these stories, remember how people lived at the time of troubles.