MD Pulsa for Android
1st version was not working with my Samsung s4, and they updated this magnificent app just within 48 hrs. It's handy and helping me a lot in managing my account on MD Pulsa.
Sudah cukup baik dan praktis, tapi masih banyak yang perlu diperbaiki. Good job, di tunggu update annya lagi.
How to resolve my account without admin ? I cannot login, Because i lost my password, so i cannot backup my password by my self, please answer my question
I cant log in with out ID..
pake samsung s advance GB masih gak bisa ya..please fix it..
Overall sdh cukup baik... Tlg di-upgrade lg, karena tidak bs untuk pengisian pulsa nomor Three dengan 13 angka... Thx
Ga ribet kalo ngisi pulsa.,. :-D Sering2 ngadain promo yaa.,. :-)
jooooooossss :D
by M####:
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