About Cara Pelet Poligami Ampuh
Apakah anda selama ini ingin memiliki istri lebih dari satu ? namun istri pertama anda tidak kunjung memberikan restu kepada anda untuk menikah kembali ?atau istri pertama anda telah setuju agar menikah kembali namun calon istri kedua tidak mau di madu ?
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Semua pria di muka ini, sepanjang zaman, sejak manusia pertama diciptakan hingga kiamat nanti punya potensi poligami, termasuk Anda bukan? Hanya saja untuk melangkah ke arah itu butuh kemampuan, keberanian dan cara-cara tersendiri. Are you for it wants to have more than one wife? Your first wife but does not go give your blessing to remarry? or your first wife had agreed to marry a second wife back but the candidate does not want in honey?
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All the men on the face of it, throughout the ages, since the first humans were created until Judgment has potential polygamy, including you not? It's just to move toward it needs the ability, courage and own ways.
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