About Canto de Bicudo
Canto de Bicudo
1.Canto Bicudo Alta Mogiana Classico
2.Canto Bicudo Pele Goiano Regional
3.Canto Bicudo Mandela
4.Canto Bicudo Goiano Super Classico
5.Canto Bicudo Flauta 2
6.Canto Bicudo Canto Flauta
Também conhecido como bicudo-do-norte (SP), bicudo-preto e bicudo-verdadeiro, o bicudo (Sporophila maximiliani) é uma ave passeriforme da família Thraupidae.
Habita pastos alagados, veredas com arbustos, bordas de capões de mata, brejos, beiras de rios e lagos, aparentemente em locais próximos à água, principalmente onde haja o capim-navalha (Hypolytrum pungens), navalha-de-macaco (Hypolytrum schraerianum) ou a tiririca (Cyperus rotundus) seus alimentos básicos na natureza. Aprecia ainda o arroz, o que colabora muito para o seu desaparecimento, vitimado por agrotóxicos. Devido a apreciação de seu canto para torneios, é alvo de traficantes de animais, o que faz seu status de preservação ser CR(Crítico) de acordo com o IBAMA.
O Bicudo-verdadeiro é também conhecido como bicudo-do-norte (SP), bicudo-preto, o bicudo (Sporophila maximiliani) é uma ave passeriforme da família Thraupidae.
Outras características:
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Canto Do Passaros Brasileiros sound bird - A passerine is any bird of the order Passeriformes, which includes more than half of all bird species. A notable feature of passerines compared to other orders of Aves is the arrangement of their toes, three pointing forward and one back, which facilitates perching;
Nosso App tem os principais cantos desse belo pássaro. Corner Bicudo
1.Canto Bicudo High Mogiana Classico
2.Canto Bicudo Skin Goiano Regional
3.Canto Bicudo Mandela
4.Canto Bicudo Goiano Super Classico
Boll Weevil 5.Canto flute 2
6.Canto Bicudo Canto Flute
Also known as weevil-Loons (SP), pointed black-and-true weevil, the boll weevil (Sporophila maximiliani) is a passerine bird in the Thraupidae family.
Inhabits flooded pastures, paths with shrubs, forest patches edges, marshes, banks of rivers and lakes, apparently in places near water, especially where there is grass razor (hypolytrum pungens), razor-de-monkey (hypolytrum schraerianum) or sedge (nut grass) their staple foods in nature. still enjoys rice, which contributes much to his disappearance, victimized by pesticides. Due to appreciation of her singing tournament, it is the target of animal traffickers, which makes their conservation status is CR (Critical) according to IBAMA.
The Bicudo-real is also known as weevil-Loons (SP), pointed-black, the boll weevil (Sporophila maximiliani) is a passerine bird in the Thraupidae family.
Other features:
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Singing Birds Brazilian sound bird - A passerine is any bird of the order Passeriformes, Which includes more than half of all bird species. The notable feature of passerines Compared to other orders of birds is the arrangement of Their toes, three pointing forward and one back, Which Facilitates perching;
Our App has the main corners of this beautiful bird.