About 數字轉國字
阿拉伯小寫數字 轉 中文大寫國字
在商業應用上銀行、郵局、等單位,個人常需填寫的各種票據、匯款、請款支票、結算憑證辦理支付結算和現金收付金額,我們常需要把阿拉伯數字轉換成中文大寫國字。「數字轉國字 」APP 可以輕鬆方便,輸入,如 $3,600,可以極速運算轉換成正規標準化的國字大寫「叁仟陸佰」,不用想破頭、擔心填錯或忘記國字怎麼寫,「數字轉國字 」APP 將是你最好的小幫手。
(完全免費的APP) Arab countries uppercase lowercase digital transfer Chinese characters
In commercial applications banks, post offices, and other units, individuals often need to fill a variety of bills, remittance, payment by check, the payment clearing and settlement documents deal with the amount of the cash payment, we often need to convert Chinese capital Arabic Chinese characters. "Digital switch-word" APP can easily and conveniently, input, such as $ 3,600, can be converted into a formal standardized computing speed-word uppercase "three thousand six hundred," do not want to break the head, worry incorrectly or forget how to write Chinese characters, " digital switch-word "APP will be your best little helper.
(Completely free APP)