GPS 2 Bluetooth for Android
Method described to get the serial access does not exist in modern Android.
Works great on both my Sony Z5 (Nougat) and Motorola XT926 (kitkat.) Simple, easy to use!
Doesnt not work between 2 android devices
Works on my Sony & Sharp phone. Just add port in widows 10 at bluetooth setting.
Method described to get the serial access does not exist in modern Android.
Unique app and exactly what I needed for my navigation.
I hope this will remain FREE til ever. Thanks Cajax.
Have an option to turn off notification please! Other than that, great app.
The interface on this app is very simple with little info. Also for me there's a bug in which it broadcasts that it's only connected to 1 satellite. But neither of these matter because it's an easy to use app with a good update speed. It's ad free, only uses the permissons it needs, and works just as well with the screen off. Keep up the good work.
Quite reliable and simple compared to other freely available but old apps. Tasker integration will make it perfect. Thank you.
Due to 3 years later (huh) reminder I canceled my previous comment about Samsung Mini. I use this app sometimes due to some issues in old, but useful programs like OziExplorer. This app helps me lot in such situation, and it is very, if not only, useful in this kind of job.
Very nice app, and very useful for me, I use it on my Motorola Moto G and Moto defy Mini. On my Moto G it was not working at the begging but then i modify mi gps.conf file changing NMEA_PROVIDER=0 to NMEA_PROVIDER=1 and now is working like a charm.
Doesnt work
Tried twice, uninstalling twice. Could not connect to my vaio neither my sony-C902 which requires external gps. Samsung galaxy pro.
Works perfectly to give my archor tablet gps from my droid x with out futzing!!!
The widget does not show up in list of available Widgets on my phone. HTC desire running a gingerbread rom. Wish I could test it.
Doesn't work on my fascinate with windows vista sp1 could be vista's fault its not allowing any services to appear once outgoing ports selected
Rfcomm channel keeps changing. Annoying with linux also The widget seems to disappear and requires reinstall fairly often. When it works its great.
Doesn't work on Dell Streak - slows device to point of being unusable.
Does exactly what I wanted. Interface to microsoft bluetooth stack painless. Wireless survey well and truly GPS'd.
Does the job well but as others have said it needs re installing after a reboot.
Changing channels is a showstopper to use it onder *UNIX
Rfcomm channel keeps on changing problematic on linux
Doesn't work on incredible.
Works on incredible with Google earth
I have a scala rider headset in my motorcycle helmet. And have my droid x mounted to my k l r 650 dual sport. I can not wait to pair the devices.
Made my phone unusable
Works good when it does. I've gotten it to work once then when I turn it off and try again it doesn't do anything. The GPS doesn't even start up the second time I turn it on. This is exactly the thing I want just doesn't continue to work for some reason. Galaxy s2 Epic 4g Touch.
Although all the programs I tried worked with Google Earth, this has been the only program that successfully linked with the mission planner. Looking forward to trying with my multicopter later. Thanks, whatever you did different worked.
Not an app! Don't waste your time downloading!
dont work dont downlode it says stuff about wigets and thats it
Using the app to try and pinpoint the location of WiFi APs at work (in conjunction with Vistumbler for Windows 7 x64). After a few tries I was able to get my phone to connect. I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Jelly Bean 4.2.2. A NOTE: I didn't have to add the com port in Windows 7. After getting the phone and laptop paired all I had to do was go into the Bluetooth services for my phone and enable the new serial connection. It does constantly crash on my Nexus 7 (2012 model), but as that is hacked with Pawn Pad installed, this review is not based on that experience, but something I would like to see fixed as I see this useful for that device's function.
Won't start
Works once started. However, pressing the start or stop button in the main window doesn't appear do anything most of the time. There is also no notification when the service is running.
Needs to show GPS sats as indication it is working Works some what
Great app. Such a bonus for my recovery services during thr winter
This is a great app since the last update when it turned on the GPS itself. Works to set an accurate time / location for my computer controlled telescope.
While it is stayed it must, it don't: after two installs, including phone restart, it does not create any widget, and, of course, any stream (no NMEA, not other) on Bluetooth connection. So, GT-S5570B must to be removed from a list of compatible devices.
by M####:
Great app. Works well with Samsung S6 & 7, however doesn't work with Xiaomi Note 3, I think it cannot access the gps.