Clikea for Android
- En su ultima versión se a considerado adicionar la opción de ubicar entidades a 1km, 3km y 5km a la redonda.
- Implementación de notificaciones a nuestros usuarios, para que estén al día de las promociones de las diferentes empresas.
- v1.29 se actualizo una nueva apariencia para una mayor rapidez de la aplicación.
This application is to provide the user with information from different companies or organizations in your area, providing telephone numbers, location and possible arrival route map, also through its various links via web (social networks, web pages). This application's main objective is to provide the user communication or direct contact with companies and organizations, without the need to waste time on search engines. Secondary objective to produce statistics to know that entities or companies are the most sought after and best service, all this can be done from the comfort of your mobile device.- In its latest version was considered adding the option to locate entities 1km, 3km and 5km around.
- Implementation of notifications to our users, so that they are up to date promotions from different companies.
- V1.29 a new look I was updated for faster application.