Bridestory Pro (for vendors) for Android
Ada message dr customer tapi gak keluar notification nya sama sekali sampe gak bisa d followup!
Had notif about new messages but can not see on message section. It tells no message. So stupid. Fix that and got your 5 star back. PS: I already updated your app, dont tell me to do this
Nggak bisa buka pesan d aplikasi padahal ada pemberitahuan pesannya baru d buka inbox ada keterangan anda tidak memiliki pesan tolong diperbaiki.. Trims
So easy to learn
Udah 2 minggu ini saya ga bisa upload project sama sekali. Di drafts udah ada tulisan 3 project tp ga muncul sama sekali.
Saya sudah update ke versi terbaru. Tapi kok belum bisa upload projects ya.. tolong dibantu.thanks
I can't upload photo at add work.. why?
While the APP is good, the actual service of the whole platform is lack lustre for wedding suppliers, good for bride to be's but after sales service leaves a lot to be desired - this coming from a Gold Subscriber.
Susah bgt upload project dr app. Selalu crash dan not responding. Please fix your mobile app for vendors. Jgn cuman bridestory app yg utama aja
Setiap mau upload project....selalu stop ditengah jalan...selalu begitu...jadi ga bs selesai submit project..????
Bridestory block saya dr list vendor dengan alasan sy tidak aktif membalas inquiries dr customer pdhal harus membeli dahulu subscription untuk membuka profile, lebih baik tidak ush ad free credit langsung saja vendor harus membayar 200/300 sebulan yang dimana harga sudah melebihi jasa pembuatan web sndiri. Terimakasih
I like this bride story app it helps me to connect our photobooth with clients ❤
Terkadang sering close sendiri, mungkin bug-nya. Tolong di perbaiki. Terimakasih.
Ga pernah ada notif di hp kalau ad message dr client atau client view price list dll, pdhl settingan hp ud bener ????
setelah update malah jdi buruk, gada email percuma pakai app ini kalau gabisa email in pembeli potensial, karena harusnya aplikasi ini seperti dlu membuat pembeli potensial menjadi konsumen real gk seperti skrng gabisa apa2 , please kembaliin kyk dulu klo gk vendor bsa berkurang konsumen potensial nya jujur saya nyesel perpanjang member gold di bridestory ini, rugi ! semua keputusan sepihak dan memberatkan vendor nyesel saya !
Pas buka pesan lgs force close
It's awesome
Because no email in app service
Such a dissapointment if we can not reach interested client to know more about us. Please make it happen again for email service.
I can't see/view email from people who interested to get my pricelist..please fix it..A.S.A.P
Sebelum update gak ada masalah dengan aplikasi ini. Tapi setelah sy update beberapa hari lalu saat mau view profile foto" project tidak bisa muncul.
Setiap mau selesai submit setelah sign up. Aplikasi selalu stop dan sudah di uninstal berkali kali tetap stop setiap mau selesai sign up. So sad
Buka laman notification enggak bisa. Loading terus
Not available for vendor in Canada
Trying to register, but no matter how many times I try to add my US phone number, including the +1 country code, it continues to switch to Indonesia country code when it saves. Tried many times and it won't work. Huge waste of time. Not located in Indonesia, so I can't understand at all why it keeps doing that.
Cannot open bridestory pro. Why?
Very helpfull
Hey what's the different between bridestory pro and bridestory?
Very useful
Good stuffs to start
Now I can manage my profile anywhere, everywhere! Wuhuu~
I wait for this app.. Thanks! You guys are awsome!!
Memudahkan dalam mengelola akun saat d perjalanan. Semoga lebih banyak membantu vendor pernikahan.
This is what we need.
Nice apps
Great apps
Cannot open bridestory pro. Why?
by Z####:
Worst Application! 1. Got notification new message, but when open shoe no message! 2. When go to sent message, want to exit, can't, back back back so many times 3. Very clumsy to open the menus Really need lots of adjustment and improvement for this apps 4. What sent from phone, didn't show on PC, so become double sending and cause clients complain 5. Alwasy stop or hang 6. Message sent from phone doesn't show the remark "followed up" 7. I have uninstall and reinstall, uninstall and reinstall many times! Same issued! Worst!