About T-Ren
je profesionalno delovno orodje, ki vam prinese rezultate takoj in v želeni obliki. Je mobilna in lokalna aplikacija za podporo, organizacijo ter spremljanje rezultatov dela na terenu. Predvsem olajša delo vsem, zaposlenim pri vsakodnevnih opravilih, kot tudi vodilnem kadru pri načrtovanju dela zaposlenih ter pospeševanju delovanja podjetja. NAPRAVE ZA RAZLIČICA APLIKACIJE
Prodaja na terenu
Dobro je vedeti, kaj v prodaji učinkuje in kaj ne. S programom lahko hitro ugotovite uspešnost posameznih akcij ter ljudi na terenu. Omogoča pregled in hitrejše opravljanje dela, zagotovi nadzor nad povezanimi stroški, omogoča boljši pregled nad zaposlenimi in organizacijo dela zaposlenih samih. Omogoča tudi logično vključevanje vseh potrebnih dokazil povezanih s prodajo (stranka, rezultat, slikovni material, digitalni podpis stranke, stroški dokazilo o prisotnosti na lokaciji). Vsa poročila se pripravljajo sproti in so na voljo ves čas.
Servisne dejavnosti
Pri servisnih (montaža, inštalaterstvo, transport…) dejavnostih je nepogrešljiv pomočnik, saj omogoča nadzor in dokumentiranje (slika, računi, stroški, stanje na terenu) opravljenega dela in hkratno vključevanje v poročila. Sistem omogoča tudi poračun/pregled nad opravljenim delom, povezavo z vsemi stroški, transportom ter uporabljenim materialom. Omogoča dober vpogled ali je stranka zadovoljna in ali je bila pravilno obravnavana.
Podjetja s prodajnim osebjem,¸trgovskimi potniki na terenu
Podjetja s servisno (inštalaterstvo, montaža…) dejavnostjo
Podjetja z drugimi opravki na terenu
Kaj prinese zaposlenim
Omogoča zaposlenim predvsem hitrejše opravljanje dela, večjo doslednost pri izpolnjevanju nalog ter ciljev, lažjo komunikacijo z nadrejenimi in ostalimi sodelavci ter pregled nad lastnim opravljenim delom, občutno manj birokracije – priprava poročil praktično ni več potrebna. Sistem omogoča enostavno komunikacijo z ostalimi zaposlenimi pri dodeljevanju in sprejemanju nalog. Hkrati omogoča shranjevanje vse potrebne dokumentacije (slikovnega gradiva). S povezovanjem z obstoječimi podatkovnimi bazami v podjetju (npr. zaloge) je popolnoma prilagodljiv posamezniku in s tem tudi podjetju.
Kaj prinese podjetju
Omogoča prav vsem v podjetju boljšo in lažjo (tudi brezpapirno) komunikacijo ter nadzor nad opravljenim delom. Vodstvu s pregledom nad opravljenim delom, povezanimi stroški nudi podroben vpogled v rezultate posameznih akcij, učinkovitosti zaposlenih ter na takšen način ustrezno podpira hitrejši razvoj podjetja. Za uporabo potrebuje le pametne telefone.
Nadgradnje sistema
Je zasnovan kot samostojen program, hkrati pa je z nekaj enostavnimi dopolnitvami popolnoma prilagodljiv vsakemu podjetju. Zagovarjamo 100% prilagoditev programa potrebam podjetja. S tem omogočimo, da ima podjetje na voljo tiste funkcije, ki jih dejansko potrebuje.
Posodabljanje mobilnih aplikacij
Ena od prenosti je, da ob nadgradnjah ter dopolnitvah mobilne aplikacije ni potrebe po individualnih namestitvah, temveč se lahko preko pametnega telefona vsem uporabnikom avtomatično naloži vse dopolnitve.
V čem je različen od podobnih sistemov?
Je komunikacijsko orodje, ki ponudi rezultate takoj. Zaradi enostavnosti, preglednosti in »discipline«, ki jo uvaja, pospešuje delovanje podjetja. Pomaga zaposlenim pri delu, kot vodstvu pri vodenju podjetja. Skozi delo nastajajo sproti vsi potrebni dokumenti za delovanje podjetja, kot tudi za sprejemanje odločitev. is a professional working tool that brings you results immediately and in the desired form. Mobile and local application support, organization and monitoring of the results of the fieldwork. In particular, facilitate the work of all employees in their daily tasks, as well as senior staff in the planning work of the employees and the promotion of the company's operations. DEVICE version of the application
Sales on the ground
It is good to know what effect the sale and what is not. The program can quickly determine the effectiveness of individual campaigns and people on the ground. Provides an overview and faster performance of work, ensure control of the associated costs, allowing for better oversight of employees and the organization of work of the employees themselves. It also allows the logical integration of all necessary supporting documents related to the sale (the customer a result, imaging supplies, digital signature of the customer, the costs of proof of presence at the site). All reports are produced regularly and are available at all times.
Service activities
In the service (installation, Plumber, transportation ...) activities is an indispensable assistant because it allows monitoring and recording (picture, invoices, expenses, the situation on the ground) the work done and the simultaneous inclusion in the report. The system also allows settlement / overview of the work done, connect all costs, transportation and materials used. Gives good insight into whether the customer is satisfied and whether it was properly addressed.
Companies with sales personnel, ¸ salesman on the ground
Companies with the Service (Plumber, assembly ...) activity
Companies with other errands on the ground
What brings employees
Allows employees to boost the performance of work, greater consistency in fulfilling the tasks and objectives to facilitate communication with superiors and other colleagues as well as an overview of our own work done, much less bureaucracy - preparation of reports there is practically no longer needed. The system allows for easy communication with other employees in the allocation and decision tasks. At the same time allows you to store all necessary documentation (images). By integrating with existing databases in the enterprise (eg stocks) is fully customizable to the individual and thus the company.
What do you bring to the company
Allows you to everyone in the company better and easier (the paperless) communication and control over the work performed. Leadership oversight of the work performed, the related costs provides a detailed insight into the results of individual campaigns, employee performance, and in a manner appropriate supports faster development of the company. For the application only needs to smartphones.
System upgrades
Is designed as a stand-alone program, but with a few simple additions fully customizable to each company. We stand for 100% adjustment program needs of the business. Thereby enabling the company has available to those features that you actually need.
Updating mobile applications
One of the downloader is that the upgrades and additions to mobile applications there is no need for individual installations, but can be over smart phone for all users automatically downloads all updates.
What's different from similar systems?
It is a communication tool that offers immediate results. Due to the simplicity, transparency and "discipline", which introduces, promotes the functioning of the company. It helps employees to work as the lead in managing the company. Through the work of emerging kept all the documents required for the operation of the company, as well as for decision-making.