tang toc dien thoai 2 for Android
Giao dien chinh:
No cho thay ban
- Kich thuoc bo nho RAM su dung va co san pham nao
- dia chi dien thoai Lich su
- Kich thuoc cua cac tap tin tam thoi
- Tep xu ly nut Play va dien thoai lam sach
- Tang toc va lam sach dien thoai Android len
- Bay gio, tang toc do cua dien thoai cua ban va cua ban sach se dien thoai cua virus
ung dung giao dien:
- Kien thuc ve cac ung dung hoat dong o che do nen
- dong ung dung de tang toc dien thoai bang cach keo sang phai hoac trai
- Tang toc do nut dien thoai thong qua viec dong cua cac chuơng trinh dang mo va cac ung dung.
- day manh ung dung va lam sach dien thoai voi mot buoc duy nhat
dơn gian va de dang de chuơng trinh khong can nhieu chi mot cu nhap chuot va ban se nhan thay su khac biet
ung dung tang toc do va lam sach dien thoai va chuong trinh co ban quan trong tren moi dien thoai di dong de giu cho pin dien thoai cua ban va loi nhuan khong gian hơn vao bo nho cua dien thoai.
Neu ban thich cac ung dung va tang toc dien thoai Android don dep khong quen chia se no voi ban be va danh gia cua ban
Cavalier lighter and easier to speed up phone your mobile and cleaningMain interface:
It shows you
- RAM memory size used and empty
- Address Telephone History
- The size of the temporary file
- Play nut processing files and telephone Cleaning
- Accelerate and cleaning wool Android phone
- Now, increase the speed of your phone and your phone clean virus
GUI application:
- Knowledge of the application active in the background
- Close the application to speed glue phone by right or left
- Speed up cracking the phone via the closure of open programs and applications.
- Promoting the application and clean phone with a single step
Simple and easy to program does not need much just one click and you'll get to see the difference
Cavalier speed up and clean up your phone and important basic program on each mobile phone to keep your phone battery, and profit is more space on your phone's memory.
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