Bonsai Tanaman Hias Unik for Android
Seni ini mencakup berbagai teknik pemotongan dan pemangkasan tanaman, pengawatan (pembentukan cabang dan dahan pohon dengan melilitkan kawat atau membengkokkannya dengan ikatan kawat), serta membuat akar menyebar di atas batu. Pembuatan bonsai memakan waktu yang lama dan melibatkan berbagai macam pekerjaan, antara lain pemberian pupuk, pemangkasan, pembentukan tanaman, penyiraman, dan penggantian pot dan tanah. Tanaman atau pohon dikerdilkan dengan cara memotong akar dan rantingnya. Pohon dibentuk dengan bantuan kawat pada ranting dan tunasnya. Kawat harus sudah diambil sebelum sempat menggores kulit ranting pohon tersebut. Tanaman adalah makhluk hidup, dan tidak ada bonsai yang dapat dikatakan selesai atau sudah jadi. Perubahan yang terjadi terus menerus pada tanaman sesuai musim atau keadaan alam merupakan salah satu daya tarik
Bonsai is a plant or tree that dwarfed in a shallow pot with the aim of making a miniature of the original shape of a big old tree in the wild. Planting is done in pots shallow called bon term bonsai are also used for traditional Japanese art in the maintenance of the plant or tree in a pot shallow, and appreciation of the natural beauty of the branches, leaves, stems, and roots of trees, as well as pot shallow into the container, or the overall shape of the plant or tree. Bonsai is the Japanese pronunciation for penzai.The art includes various techniques of cutting and pruning, wiring (the establishment of branches and the branches of trees by wrapping the wire or bend the wire bonding), as well as making the roots spread out on the rock. Making bonsai takes a long time and involve a variety of jobs, such as fertilizer, pruning, crop establishment, watering, and replacement of the pot and soil. Plants or trees dwarfed by cutting the roots and branches. Trees formed with the help of wire on the twigs and shoots. The wire must have been taken before he could scratch the bark of the tree branches. Plants are living things, and nothing can be said bonsai finished or finished. Changes that occur continuously in the plant according to the season or the state of nature is one of the charms