About IndoVoices
IndoVoices merupakan platform social-blogging yang memuat tulisan reflektif tentang apa saja, baik menyangkut peristiwa politik, ekonomi, hukum, sosial, budaya, dan lain-lain. IndoVoices adalah “warung kopi” digital.
IndoVoices adalah tempat yang untuk ngopi (Ngobrol Pintar) tentang apa saja. Ya, kamu bebas ngomongin apa saja, tentu saja jangan sampai kebablasan (bahkan tidak ada aturan bukan berarti bebas semau gue). IndoVoices punya aturan main yang bisa dibaca dihalaman berikut https://indovoices.com/kebijakan-privasi/
Bagi yang ingin bergabung menjadi kontributor, kirimkan contoh artikelnya ke email redaksi@indovoices.com atau mendaftar di https://indovoices.com/menjadi-penulis/ IndoVoices a social-blogging platform that includes a reflective writing about anything, both related to political events, economic, legal, social, cultural, and others. IndoVoices is "coffee shop" digital.
IndoVoices is a place to drink coffee (Smart Talk) about anything. Yes, you are free to say what course, of course, do not get too far (there is not even a rule does not mean freedom arbitrarily I). IndoVoices has rules that can be read the following at page https://indovoices.com/kebijakan-privasi/
For those who want to join and become a contributor, please send an email to the article example redaksi@indovoices.com or register https://indovoices.com/menjadi-penulis/