Boneprice for Android
Awesome helpful apps
Cek harga barang yg paling murah jadi menghemat waktu , udah ga perlu scroll klikk ke semua website's satu persatu. Muantaaaap applikasi ya *****
Nice idea
App ini bantu banget sortir harga paling murah.. gw pake terus tiap mo blanja online, soalnya tiap penjual kadang2 beda harganya lumayan. gw beli earphone denon bluetooth, pake app ini padahal sama2 di lazada aja rentang harganya bs ampe 50 persen (dr sejutaan ke dua juta). Makasi boneprice!!
Lebih cepet liat harga murmer nih, gak perlu repot2 buka satu2 toko buat liat harga paling murah
Aku nyoba kaya nya apl ini bagusss
Mantap dah aplikasi ini. 5 bintang.
Great app for online shopping. Use this to get cheapest price.
Take shopping to a whole new level !!
Mantap dah aplikasi ini. 5 bintang.
easy and user friendly
Use this app to research for best prices before you make online shopping. The product database is comprehensive and the prices are a great. Rather than going through 10 online shops and check for the product one by one, this app give you a shortcut to the store that give the best bargain.
Very useful
Manteb nih aplikasi, ngebantu banget buat kita cari barang penggunaannya gampang aplikasi nya ringan engga ngabisin ram, udh gitu tepat banget sasaranya jadi engga ngabisin kuota internet gw dah buat searching nyari barang, cukup pake bonprice langsung tuh kerangkum semua harga Dari toko online hehehehe bintang 5 daah
by N####:
Must have price aggregaror for both casual and heavy online shoppers to find the lowest product cost