My BOLT (Official) for Android
My quota often run out with no apparent reason! I'm using the night bonus mode (150k for 8gB day + 10gB night), but even when I'm not using the daytime quota, it still runs out very fast! I just top upped my package, which runs out in just 11 days! I only use daytime quota only rarely since I also have Internet quota from my provider. This will be the last time I'm using Bolt if this thing keeps reoccurring. Please give a fair services to your customers! I've been using Bolt since 2013 and now your quota transparency is disappointing.
I do still have 8GB left when I went to the bolt store to stop the package. The cust service said i have to loose the leftover data and they took the sim card. So i had to pay the total whole monthly 20GB, IDR 150K, and i couldnt use the leftover of 8GB. Its such a rip off!
Aplikasi sering error... loading ga berenti berenti... informasi ga muncul... padahal pakai bolt... trus kalau di luar kota no signal sampai balik lagi ke jakarta... s3lain itu oke oke aja...
Application i would rate at 4 stars. But the connection at my place was awful. Even with 3 bars, it is still lagging and very slow and the sad thing it is your homebolt. You need to work on it mr. Bolt! Or that 3 star is the best I can give.
Since BTS Bolt are everywhere I can rely on Bolt now. But sometimes signal is not stable. Hopefully get better from time to time. - Bravo !
Cannot so payment using credit card and not so good signal in high floor especially bad weather. Out of sudden no longer share wifi.
Very convenient. But sometimes the payment utility goes error, so would need to use the website instead.
Belakangan ini kenapa yah kok kalo buka aplikasinya gtu malahan ga keluar sisa kuotanya berapa. Jadi tuh main quota nya 0, active period 0, balance nya 0. Ada yg tau kenapa?
Bolt parah... Udah diisi pulsa tapi ga masuk. Padahal di status top update berhasil. Tolong dong pihak bolt di atasi masalah tersebut
Please add top up feature directly via e-banking or credit cards in the apps, and it will be a 5 stars apps.
It`s useful but I`ve seen better apps. They run faster than this. Please reduce the loading time in each menu.
Doesn't have purchase from bolt option anymore, buying from doku within the apps also doesn't work (suddenly it stop working)
Dulu kwsn rawasari cemput kencang, now very bad!!! Hny mementingkan keuntungan drpd pelayanan customer. tindaklnjt cso sangat buruk!
Jaringan dan kualitas stabil walau tidak murni kecepatan paketnya (saya berlangganan 8mb)..hanya komplain saya tolong sistem tagihannya user friendly dong..
Kadang bisa Error sisa kuota kita. Kadang menampilkan sisa kuota yang salah. Loading lama kalau mau ganti screen menu.
Error molo, asal mau cek quota susah bener.. tampilan info pasti g keluar..gembel
I think i cannot login with this apps, why?? Or my device cannot support the latest version?? I just want to know the balance
its good. thank you. but still slow
Awal- awal pake bolt 8G bisa pake untuk 1bulan. Beberapa bulan belakang,8G paling lama untuk 2minggu,kadang tidak sampai 2minggu sudah habis. Padahal pemakaian nya seperti biasa. Signal juga suka mati.
Stuck in loading after last update. Please fix
Perlu di ringankan, kemudian ditambahkan perangkatkan yang terkoneksi. Koneksi MiFi ke PC atau laptop tidak baik. Seringnya unconnected. Padahal di android bisa.
Signal Bolt sekarang sering No Service, awal2 cepat dan lama kelamaan makin hancur... kecewa.... no service terus. semakin parah....Semakin lama makin lemot, percuma langganan tiap bulan 20gb seharga 150rb tapi hasil tidak baik....
Semakin di update semakin parah, kebanyakan loading udah gitu loadingnya lama banget. Mending versi yang lama
Awkward loading time. Please make the app lighter
The new update makes me cannot open the app. It stucks on the loading screen. Please fix it.
Cie cie yang abis ngubah bonus jadi donting, per tggal 5 mau ngurangin kuota utama. Cie cie yg lg ngejar setoran.
Really good app. Very easy to use and helpful. Two thumbs up!
Sebelum pakai Doku gampang beli quota pakai vcc mandiri, Sekarang lewat doku failed terus ... Prett lah ...
Is great especially with handphone app, and would like to understand more about features when i have time.
Handy, although sometimes you need to reload/refresh it because the information it gives (e.g. the quote you have left) may be outdated.
Abis di update malah payah! mao rubah setting device manager aja ga bisa
Mantap nyaman pemakaiannya semoga bisa berkembang di seluruh kota di indonesia untuk paket internetnya good job
Speed ok..tapi jaringan belum semuanya tercover..semoga bisa lebih menjangkau daerah terpencil
gatau kenapa gabisa log in udah 2bulan terakhir, dan akhir nya bingung mikirin tagihan. karena kalo liat dari website aneh
Only 1 star 'cause option to "purchase from boltz" is unavailable anymore!
Good Application.. User Friendly and easy to use
Sering tidak ada sinyal. Dipakai belum sebulan sudah hilang sinyalnya. Tanya csnya alasannya selalu optimalisasi jaringan tapi bisa sampai berminggu minggu siapnya.
by U####:
harus di tingkatkan lagi ada berapa daerah gak tercover misal cibinong dkt deler nissan