BMC Client for Android
Over the top value. I got it so I can make calls on my Galaxy S and it would have desk phone features. This App has more features than my office desk phone. It also switches between cellular coverage and wi-fi so my call quality is great no matter where I am. Then, since it uses wi-fi when available, I don't need to buy so many minutes.
No support. Do not buy it.
Over the top value. I got it so I can make calls on my Galaxy S and it would have desk phone features. This App has more features than my office desk phone. It also switches between cellular coverage and wi-fi so my call quality is great no matter where I am. Then, since it uses wi-fi when available, I don't need to buy so many minutes.
This app is the greatest..I can use it any where. Being a business person that need access at all time, I found this app to be the best on the market. Great for everyone!
I like being able to get my calls no matter where I am at. It doesn't matter if people are trying to reach me by my office extension, my direct office phone number, my cell phone number, etc, the calls and all my office phone features appear on my cell phone. No more missied business opportunities because of missed calls. I don't have to remember to forward my other phone numbers to my cell number or set them up to simultaneous ring each other, I just get calls so no more playing phone tag. Love it.
Scam. Do not buy. No customer support. App does not do what designer claims. Like I said SCAM!
We live in a place were we have spotty cellular coverage. So when i go home this APP places my calls on WIFI and it sounds Fantastic!!!
Customer service is great, app works everywhere I go. Nice and clear.
by X####:
I love being able to make and receive business calls from anywhere.