About Stiri de Acasa Romania
Oriunde ati fi, in tara sau in strainatate, e bine sa fi informat, de aceea Aplicatia Stiri de Acasa isi propune sa aduca romaniilor de pretutindeni actualitatea zi de zi intr-un format prietenos.
Stim ca peste tot romanul munceste zi de zi, de accea ne-am gandit ca majoritatea nu vor avea timp sa citeasca stiriile si de aceea le-am introdus in format audio, disponibil 24 din 24, 7 zile din 7.
Romanii din Diaspora se vor bucura de aceasta aplicatie, dar si romanii din tara care doresc sa fie informati.
Fie ca este vorba de politica, sport, tehnologie, cultura, religie sau informatii meteo aceasta aplicatie este disponibila tuturor!
Auditie Placuta si Doamne Ajuta sa va intoarceti cu bine ACASA! Wherever you are in the country or abroad, it should be informed that the Home News app aims to make diaspora news daily in a friendly format.
We know that throughout the novel works every day, that's why we thought that most will not have time to read the news and that is why we have introduced in audio format, available 24 of 24, 7 days out of 7.
Romanians from the Diaspora will enjoy this application, but the Romans in the country who want to be informed.
Be it politics, sports, technology, culture, religion or weather information this application is available to everyone!
Audition plate and hello to return home safely!