About inLuxs
inLux是一款蓝牙智能灯控和音乐播放一体的安卓平台手机应用软件(该版本为杰矽科技标准版本支持长期更新维护)。针对蓝牙灯调光调色,同时可播放音乐,让灯光跟随音乐进行变化,可以创造出环境与音乐完美的结合优雅场景。 inLux is an intelligent light control and Bluetooth music player integrated Android software platform for mobile application (this version is the standard version of Jay Silicon Technology support long-term maintenance updates). Bluetooth for light dimming and color, and can play music, let the music follow the lights change, the environment and can create a perfect combination of elegant music scene.