Live Chat for Android
Download our app, install one line of code on your web site and you will have a Live Chat program on your web site.
* Chat with your web site visitors in real time
* No software to install or download
* Complete transcripts of all chats
* Set times when you want Live Chat on and off
* Capture your visitors email address and phone number
* Chat from the App or from your desktop computer
* Complete statistics on your web site visitors
and much much more!
When visitors to your web site click on your Live Chat link you are instantly notified from the Live Chat App, you simply chat with your visitors from the app!
If your web site does not have Live Chat then your site is "Self Serve" and you are expecting your visitors to find whatever information they are looking for on their own.
Add Live Chat today and start engaging your customers in real time, works for Pre-Sales, Sales and Support for any web site.
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هنوز نصب نشده فکر کنم عالی باشه واس بینیمان چیه نیم باز که چت نداشت فقط تلفن بود
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Hey baby
Go to YourDesire-OnlineDating (DOT) INFO for a better one! You are welcome! Nullam elementum, turpis quis malesuada hendrerit, augue diam hendrerit orci, sed volutpat ipsum eros id nibh. Sed facilisis gravida eleifend. Curabitur eu magna rhoncus, congue ligula ac, facilisis orci. Vivamus euismod aliquet leo. In elementum elit efficitur, laoreet massa at, placerat urna. Morbi gravida elit eget placerat tincidunt. Quisque posuere urna vel sapien sollicitudin, quis sollicitudin urna luctus. Quisque id ipsum at tortor consequat viverra vitae vel ligula. Curabitur mollis volutpat interdum. In eget mi eu augue luctus pulvinar non ut metus. In quis consectetur velit. Morbi ut malesuada nisl, bibendum tempus tortor. Sed dolor mi, auctor eu nunc vitae, venenatis volutpat felis. In ultrices fermentum dolor, eget porta mauris luctus eget. Aliquam ut leo eget tortor fermentum euismod nec eget augue. Suspendisse fermentum quam quis enim sodales, ut imperdiet eros placerat. Integer scelerisque finibus nunc vel fringilla. Quisque turpis nisi, tincidunt id odio a, rhoncus molestie augue. Fusce hendrerit, nulla molestie lacinia finibus, sem augue rutrum leo, a vestibulum turpis neque quis el.
nice ui
Very good
برنامه خوبیه
بهترین برنامه چت ب نظر من اواکسه از سال 2008استفاده میکنم ازش
This app is the best
افرییین خخخ
حرف نداره لایککککک
We love this
not good
When I open it, it doesn't load
Its cannot be installed
nice ui
Gud 1
by U####:
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