دعاء النوم for Android
من خصائص التطبيق انه
- يمكنك من قراءة كل الادعية الخاصة بالمسلم قبل النوم
- يعطيك امكانية اضافة بعض الادعية المفضلة ضمن قائمة مفضلة حتى ترجع لها مباشرة في المرات القادمة
- يمكنك ارسال احد الادعية الى صديق عبر الفيسبوك او رسالة قصيرة بالجوال.
- يمكنك تغيير الخلفية بسهولة عبر الاعدادات.
تقبل الله دعوات الجميع والسلام عليكم
Ntbaiq prayer sleep is a religious application of every Muslim position to put his hands all the prayers that he must saying bedtime and at bedtime, great virtues and go anxiety and obsessions, and thus lying in comfort and tranquility and serenity without any thinner, as sensed from personal experience that these supplications carry positive reaction positive energy and thoughts of those who read it and thus remains subconscious whole night on those positive thoughts of man begins a new day of his life add the creator of the universe has to be better than the previous day and be more productive and straighter.The characteristics of the application that
- You can read all the prayers for a Muslim before bedtime
- Gives you the possibility of adding some prayers favorite among favorites list until her due directly next time
- You can send one to a friend by Blessings Facebook or short message with mobile.
- You can change the background easily settings.
God calls everyone to accept Peace be upon you