Quesos de la A a la Z for Android
Ya sea por expandir su repertorio culinario o por curiosidad, le invitamos a conocer el resultado del bello arte de la elaboración de quesos a través de nuestro diccionario ilustrado, muchos de ellos ganadores por excelencia en múltiples ferias de elaboración de quesos de renombre.
If you're Chef, taster, a curious or cheese lover, then this application is for you, in "Cheeses from A to Z" you will find an extensive catalog with different types of cheeses from around the world. For each one you will find detailed information such as their main characteristics, its history and its ideal time to taste the cheese of your choice accompaniment.Whether to expand its culinary repertoire or curiosity, we welcome the outcome of the fine art of making cheese through our illustrated dictionary, many of them multiple winners for excellence in fairs renowned cheese making.