About New Xender 2017 Pro Guide
Need Powerfull Guide for Maximize Use New Xender 2017? This Apps nice for you!
Xender is an application that connects two or more smartphones to share photos, applications, and other media. It was founded by Xender Team (originally known as Anmobi.inc). Xender is available on four operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Tizen) and in 22 languages. The application was originally released in China with the name Shan Chuan in 2012 and was known as Flash Transfer outside China. In 2013, it supported more languages and its name was changed to Xender.
It's the same technology that is used by SuperBeam,Shareit and many more. It works using WiFi. The basic idea of both Bluetooth and WiFi is the same, there is one server and another is the client, just like how internet works. Main difference is wifi has much broader bandwidth compared to bluetooth.Think of it like a river compared to a stream.Flow of data per unit time is much larger, so speed is relatively faster.
One mobile acts as a server and other as a client. Now to create the connection we have to connect the "sockets" of the two mobiles which are created dynamically. As soon as these sockets get connected we can send data in form of byte stream.
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This is NOT an Official Guide. The application name is the property of their respective owners. We made this App only as a FREE FAN APP with no cheats, only for those who wants to enjoy the App.
If there is any trademark or copyright violation that does not follow within the Fair Use, please contact us and we will immediately take action on it.
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