About Vestegnsnyt
Træt af at gå glip af en Brøndby-nyhed? Bare rolig, den tid er forbi nu med Vestegnsnyt! App'en scanner for nyheder om vores allesammens favorithold fra Brøndby. Inklusiv forum, podcast, stilling, kampprogram og topscorer- og resultatliste. Følg spillere og fans på Twitter, Youtube og Facebook. Søg i et stadigt voksende arkiv over BIF nyheder. Brug BIF-urskiven på dit android wear smartwatch! Tired of missing out on a Brøndby news? Do not worry, the time is over now with Vestegnsnyt! The app scans for news about everybody's favorite team from Brondby. Includes forum, podcast, position, schedule and the top scorers and scoreboard. Follow the players and fans on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook. Search in an ever-growing archive of BIF news. Use BIF watch face on your android wear smart watch!
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Vestegnsnyt version 1.09 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Everyone
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com.bengaard.vestegnsnyt, download Vestegnsnyt.apk