Belly Dance Terpopuler for Android
Berbagai variasi dilakukan dalam belly dance, seperti india belly dance dengan diiringin lagu india seperti yang dilakukan oleh Alla Kusnhnir atau leila. Ada juga Belly Dance yag dilakukan oleh Princess Farhana dimana menggunakan lagu barat dan lagu rusia.
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Belly dance also called belly dance derived from the Arabic in which diiringin with Arabic song. Abdominal movement snaking make the audience also joined the dance and the video is so popular that the audience happily. Belly dance can be mixed with folk songs and love songs that are popular.Various variations made in belly dance, like a belly dance with diiringin india india songs as performed by Alla Kusnhnir or leila. There is also a Belly Dance committed by Princess Farhana which uses western songs and Russian songs.
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