Belajar huruf hijaiyah lengkap for Android
karna dengan mengerti alqur'an dan bisa membacanya insyaallah akhlaknya akan baik, karna di dalam kandungan alqur'an mengandung banyak tuntunan dan hal-hal yang menuju kebaikan dan sebagai pelajaran wajib bagi umat muslim.
untuk itu berilah pelajaran membaca alqur'a sedini mungkin dengan mengenal huruf-huruf dasar alqur'an yang biasa kita sebut huruf hijaiyah seperti di bawah ini
It has been supposed that our children learn early to recognize and learn the basics of the Quran, so that one day they will understand and be able to read the Quran along with its contents, but it is not easy to familiarize our children need to learn tips so that the children want to learn, starting as early as this child will get used to know the Quran.because to understand the Quran and could read God willing akhlaknya would be good, because in the womb Koran contains a lot of guidance and things to goodness and as compulsory for Muslims.
to give a reading lesson alqur'a it as early as possible to recognize the letters of the basic Qu'ran that we call the letter hijaiyah as below