Latihan Matematika Kelas 1 SD for Android
Untuk menggunakanya sebagai orang tua harus memastikan kalau anak sudah diperkenalkan dengan materi yang setara di Aplikasi Belajar Matematika Kelas 1.
Fitur aplikasi yang tersedia di aplikasi latihan matematika kelas 1 SD ini adalah sebagai berikut
* Latihan mengenal jumlah 1-5
* Latihan mengenal konseptual jumlah 1-5
* Latihan mengenal angka 1-5
* Latihan membandingkan dua angka antara 1 dan 5
* Latihan menulis angka 1-5
* Latihan mengurutkan angka 1-5 secara acak
Aplikasi ini sangat cocok bagi para orang tua, untuk mendampingi putra putri dalam belajar dengan alat bantu handphone.
Exercises Math Grade 1 is designed to complete the application Learning Matematka Class 1 SD. By using materials that have been described, the child can begin to learn either independently or with the guidance of parents. Children will be trained to repeat the subject matter according to the school curriculum that is familiar with the numbers 1 to 5 both in terms of concepts, symbols, numbers and perform activities related to the 1st grade math.To use it as parents must ensure that children are introduced to the material that is similar in Math Class 1 applications.
Features applications available in the app 1st grade math exercises are as follows
* Exercise to know the number of 1-5
* Exercise to know conceptually number 1-5
* Exercise recognize numbers 1-5
* Exercise comparing two numbers between 1 and 5
* Practice writing the numbers 1-5
* Exercise sorting numbers randomly 1-5
This application is perfect for parents, sons and daughters to assist in learning with mobile tools.