About BCB Seguridad Bs10 100 200
Si deseas conocer las medidas de seguridad de nuestra moneda, utiliza la cámara de tu SmartPhone, y descubre las medidas que tienen los billetes de el Boliviano, en sus cortes de Bs10, Bs100 y Bs200
Enfoca, descubre, elige y aprende!
Nota: Este dispositivo no comprueba la autenticidad del billete solo informa cuales son y donde están ubicados los elementos de seguridad. If you want to know the security of our currency, the camera uses your SmartPhone, and discover the steps that have the Bolivian banknotes in their courts Bs.10, Bs100 and BS200
Focus, discover, choose and learn!
Note: This device does not check the authenticity of the bill which only reports are and where they are located the security.
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BCB Seguridad Bs10 100 200 version 1.0.7 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.bcb2.presentation, download BCB Seguridad Bs10 100 200.apk