About 扎堆
扎堆是一款非常好玩的基于位置的移动社区应用,通过扎堆你可以随时了解周围人的生活,与他们分享身边发生的有趣故事,一起讨论感兴趣的话题,也可以方便的进行点对点的沟通,扎堆让你更加了解自己身边的生活,让我们的社区不再陌生。 Get together is a very fun location-based mobile community applications, through the get together you can keep abreast of the lives of the people around them, share with them the interesting story happening around us, to discuss topics of interest, you can easily point to point communication get together and make you more aware of their life around, so that our communities are no longer strangers.
by E####: