Ilmu Mata Batin for Android
Dengan kemampuan-kemampuan tersebut, pengamal Ilmu Mata Batin akan memperoleh begitu banyak kemudahan dalam meraih kesuksesan dan kemuliaan hidup, menyelesaikan beragam persoalan yang dihadapi serta mewujudkan segala cita-cita atau keinginan yang mungkin dimiliki. Tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi si pengamal saja, Ilmu Mata Batin juga dapat diamalkan bagi kepentingan masyarakat luas. Sebab dengan indra keenam dan penglihatan mata batin yang terbuka, Anda akan mempunyai perpanjangan tangan untuk memberikan pertolongan bagi mereka yang membutuhkan dan kesempatan besar untuk membantu sesama di jalan kebaikan.
The Inner Eye Science is a spiritual science that if practiced then someone will have the ability to read and understand the hearts and minds of others, see and communicate with supernatural beings, do penerawangan, predict the future and understand the cues of God Almighty. Science Inner Eye will open the sixth sense and vision of one's inner eye, so it is not impossible that the pengamal be able to know things before they happen, are friends with invisible beings or even affect the people around him.With these skills, pengamal Sciences Inner Eye will gain so much ease in the success and glory of life, resolve various issues being faced, and to realize their ideals or desires that you may have. Not only beneficial to the pengamal alone, Science Inner Eye can also be carried out for the benefit of the wider community. For the sixth sense and an open mind's eye sight, you will have an extended arm to provide help for those in need and a huge opportunity to help others on the path of goodness.