Ma3louma-معلومة for Android
ملاحظة:اذا كان هناك اي اخطائ الرجائ التبليغ على الايميل الحاص بنا وكما يمكنكم ارسال معلومات عن بلدكم ليتم وضعها ان لم تمن موجودة في الطتبيق
Tens of information and wonderful and useful which will help you to learn and especially to all the information, all form of "you know?" Which is one of the more ways the fun in learning and also information all a brief idea to reach more easily and make it easier Astaabha, information is displayed randomly every time the button is pressed is where the more than 60 information was developed on a daily basis and will increase the information in the Arabic version Bbtaba All information in Arabic grammatical understood by everyone from different countries Arabaho and a very simple user interface, and everyone can use it!Note: If there's any errors, please notification run correctly on our email and you can also send information about your country to be developed that did not exist in Taman Ttbaiq
by S####: