Terapia Autonomia for Android
A terapia é um momento que dedicamos a nós mesmos para nos entender melhor, compreender nossos sentimentos e pensamentos, para que possamos encontrar e criar caminhos para resolver antigos empasses, valorizando nossa liberdade de ser como realmente somos e de colocar em prática nossas escolhas perante a vida, conscientes de nossa responsabilidade por elas.
Autonomy therapy is a therapeutic approach in favor of self-knowledge, the resolution of internal difficulties, the psychic and personal development well-being, using as a reference the existential and humanistic approaches.The therapy is a time when we devote ourselves to understand us better understand our feelings and thoughts, so that we can find and create ways to solve old empasses, valuing our freedom to be who we really are and to put into practice our choices before the life, aware of our responsibility for them.