Brazil Promotion 2016 for Android
A feira reúne cerca de 240 fornecedores numa área de 16.188m², no Transamérica Expo Center, e recebe mais de 12.500 profissionais de decisão das empresas de diversos segmentos do mercado.
Em apenas três dias, você entra em contato com o que há de melhor e mais avançado no setor promocional e de varejo enquanto se diverte com as diversas atrações da feira: cenografia temática, performances e sorteios, atrações itinerantes, etc.
Além de tudo isso, paralelamente ao evento, você poderá participar de seminários especiais apresentando as últimas tendências do mercado.
A Brazil Promotion é o lugar certo para quem deseja encontrar fornecedores e soluções diferenciadas para campanhas, ações promocionais, merchandising no ponto-de-venda, soluções para o varejo e eventos corporativos.
O acesso é gratuito para os profissionais do setor.
The Brazil Promotion presents the main innovations and launches of the year in products and promotional services, gifts, corporate gifts, products and services for the realization of events, focused experience to retail, specialized graphics, agencies, solutions for merchandising at point of sale, digital marketing, new technologies, interactive media and more.The fair brings together about 240 suppliers in an area of 16.188m², at the Transamerica Expo Center, and receives more than 12,500 decision professionals from companies in several market segments.
In just three days, you get in touch with what's best and most advanced in the promotional sector and retail while having fun with the various attractions of the fair: thematic scenography, performances and sweepstakes, itinerant attractions, etc.
Besides all this, parallel to the event, you can attend special seminars presenting the latest market trends.
The Brazil Promotion is the right place for those who want to find suppliers and differentiated solutions for campaigns, promotions, merchandising, point-of-sale solutions for retail and corporate events.
Access is free for industry professionals.