About 秒杀惠
“秒杀惠”汇集了各大电商的限时&特价商品信息,为移动手机用户提供了快速便捷的秒杀信息平台。秒杀前通告与用户定制的消息提醒,让特惠商品尽在您的掌握。在秒杀中的商品可按电商、商品类别、价格、库存、时间排序,方便您找到最中意的特惠商品。此外,活动板与比价搜索也是很实用的功能呢~ 别光忙着抢购,记得和好朋友分享哟! "Spike benefits" brings together the major electricity supplier & specials limited information, for mobile phone users with a fast and convenient information platform spike. Spike before the notices and custom message alerts, allowing special offers at your grasp. According to the spike in commodity electricity supplier, commodity categories, prices, inventory, time, sorting, allowing you to find favorite special offers. In addition, the activities of the board and the parity search is a very useful feature it ~ Do not just busy buying, remember and good friends to share yo!