姓名缘分测试 for Android
本款软件 正是顺应天时、地利、人和,降生于降生于芸芸众生!
Buddhist says: All things are karma for us. In the matter of poly karma, karma scattered off the object;This software is in line with climate, geography, and born in born in the blues!
You simply enter your name and ta everything fate would beck and call, so you only really find your fate!
Love is the beginning of the world men and women love, and never acquaintance to acquaintance friend, people feel like somewhere doomed, beautiful and straight buckle hearts. Due to a margin of words, so that the number of men and women whom the world mania. But sometimes destined no copies of this situation most people heartache. There have taken missed, missed no part of. Of course, the best outcome is destined partakers, party of the treasure.