About 渋滞ブラウザ 全国高速道路一般道渋滞情報
※運転中の携帯機器などの直視・利用は道路交通法で禁止されています。運転中は利用を控えるか、助手席の方に操作していただくようにしてください。 Congestion browser is a browser that are specialized to displaying congestion information highway, main roads across the country, improved user interface.
It is possible browsing, such as roads and highways and move the region at the tap of the map. More information can be displayed when you tap the congestion point of the highway further, you can see the transit time and place of congestion.
Viewable course congestion information of Google Maps. Voice input, it can be moved to areas you want to see quickly.
Using the bookmark feature, browsing on a priority basis the page look good. Can also flick Sort bookmark.
Home of default is the national highway map, but in conjunction with the bookmark function, the item is at the top of the bookmark will be displayed as the top page.
You can also view character information traffic congestion, traffic regulations, and travel time.
Because it is possible to display images of important parts of the open road, you can check the weather and other circumstances.
Can display congestion forecast of up to two months in advance maximum. I can help you, such as travel plans.
Loophole route creation feature is available traffic jam. In view of the GoogleMap,
Tap the button in the upper left point according to the map centered on a point in front of the traffic jam.
Similarly, tap on the point button according to the map centered on the point where you want to end the congestion.
This first shortest route will be displayed. Then tap the button point to match the map center as a transit point to the location where you have to avoid the congestion.
Then, as root avoid the congestion should be created. Accordingly, create a road route as the car go through If, as you do so, you can shift to a waypoint or increase the transit point, folded so as to prevent. Because it is not fully automated, you need a little trick, but if you learn to use well, creating a loophole in the land that you do not know will be able to.
Route creation when you can, please follow-up mode by enabling the compass button in the upper right corner. You are here will make you become the center of the map at all times.
※ It is good if you can transfer to Google Navi this but, Google Navigation is not compatible with the intent of the waypoint, it is impossible at present.
※ Please note that the consumption of the battery it will be back to light ON always follow-up mode.
※ face and use of such mobile devices while driving are prohibited by the Road Traffic Act. Do you refrain from the use, please do get to operate towards the passenger seat while driving.