Asiatic Lily Bouquet

Asiatic Lily Bouquet Free App

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Lisensedroid


About Asiatic Lily Bouquet

Asiatic lilies (Lilium asiatic) produce showy blooms that range in color from pastel to brilliant shades of pink, red or orange and include every color except for blue. These flowers appear atop a tall stalk that resembles the top of a pineapple and form a cluster of blooms that open in late spring to early summer. With proper care, these hardy flowers thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10, depending on the variety, and return each year with bigger and brighter blooms. Colorful, showy and easy to grow, Asiatic lilies are a common choice with home gardeners who want to make a statement in their landscapes. However, it's not just outdoor areas that can be brightened up with these beauties. Asiatic lilies can be kept indoors, where they will thrive if cared for properly.

Although you can grow and enjoy Asiatic lilies indoors, they usually only last for one season. This is because they will not go through another cooling period while kept indoors, unless you dig up the bulb, shake off the dirt and put it back in your fridge. For this reason, many home gardeners simply purchase new bulbs each year. Others take their bulbs outside, and plant them in the ground where they can experience a natural cooling period and bloom again the following spring.
To create a balanced arrangement, pair lilies with other form flowers, mass flowers, filler flowers and more delicate flowers and greenery.
-Pairing Asiatic Lilies With Mass Flowers. It will go nicely with a variety of mass flowers such as roses, daisies, lilac and aster. Mass flowers are large, flat flowers that add weight to an arrangement.
-Pairing Asiatic Lilies With Filler Flowers. Filler flowers are those that take up space or help to blend flower colors. These flowers typically are small and have branching or clustered flowers.
-Pairing Asiatic Lilies With Delicate Flowers and Greenery. Delicate flowers such as alstroemeria, Asiatic Lily of the valley and button mum can be used to help soften the hard edges of lilies.

Not only that, made your hair do wonderful look for you or your bridesmaids on your wedding day. Orange spray roses, light pink hyacinth, fuchsia nerine lilies, and green mini hydrangea are secured to an accent hair clip to give that extra touch.

How to Download / Install

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APK Size: 5.3 MB, downloaded N/A times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.asiaticlilybouquet.lisensedroid, download Asiatic Lily Bouquet.apk

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