About 200+ Humor Zaman Old
Humor Zaman Old adalah sebuah aplikasi ringan sederhana yang berisi 200+ cerita lucu yang sebagian besar berasal dari jaman old, cerita humor, cerita komedi, cerita ngakak, joke, pelesetan dan tebak-tebakan bahasa Indonesia.
Kamu boleh membaca, tertawa, ngakak dan juga menshare cerita yang ada di dalamnya.
So, keep smile with 200+ short funny stories :)
Tag: cerita humor zaman old, cerita lucu zaman old, cerita lucu ngakak, cerita komedi, joke, pelesetan, tebak-tebakan, sms lucu, short funny story, humor terkini, humor pendek, cerita lucu pendek, cerita humor jaman old, cerita lucu jaman old. Humor Old Age is a simple lightweight application that contains 200+ funny stories, mostly from old age, a story of humor, comedy, story out loud, joke, pun and guesswork Indonesian.
You can read, laugh, out loud and also menshare story in it.
So, keep a smile with 200+ short funny stories :)
Tags: humorous stories ages old, funny stories the days of old, funny stories lol, comedy, joke, pun, riddles, sms funny, short funny story, humor hot, humor short, funny story short, humorous stories age old story funny old age.