About 500+ Cerita Lucu Jaman Now
500+ Cerita Lucu Dewasa Jaman Now adalah sebuah aplikasi ringan yang berisi 500+ cerita lucu dewasa jaman now, cerita humor, cerita lucu pendek, cerita komedi, cerita ngakak, joke, pelesetan, SMS lucu dan tebak-tebakan bahasa Indonesia.
Kamu boleh membaca, tertawa, ngakak dan juga menshare cerita yang ada di dalamnya.
Keunggulan aplikasi ini:
1. Ringan, irit RAM
2. Ukurannya kecil
3. Loading cepat
4. Ada fungsi search / pencarian
5. Ada fungsi zoom untuk tulisan
6. Tulisan rapi sesuai EYD
7. Ceritanya banyak dan terus diupdate
So, keep smile with 500+ short funny stories :)
Tag: cerita lucu dewasa jaman now, cerita humor lucu dewasa jaman now, cerita lucu dewasa, humor dewasa, cerita lucu ngakak, cerita komedi, joke, pelesetan, tebak-tebakan, sms lucu, short funny story, humor terkini, humor pendek, cerita lucu pendek, cerita lucu zaman now, isevha. Funny story 500+ Adults Age of Now is a lightweight application that contains adult age 500+ funny story now, humorous stories, short funny stories, comedy, story out loud, joke, pun, funny SMS and juggling Indonesian.
You can read, laugh, out loud and also menshare story in it.
The advantages of this application:
1. Lightweight, economical RAM
2. Small size
3. Loading fast
4. There is a function search / search
5. There is a zoom function for writing
6. Writing neatly fit EYD
7. The story is a lot and continue to be updated
So, keep a smile with 500+ short funny stories :)
Tags: funny stories mature age now, the story of humor funny adult age now, funny stories adult, adult humor, funny stories lol, comedy, joke, pun, riddles, sms funny, short funny story, humor hot, humor short, short funny stories, funny stories times now, isevha.