About Vide
Vide will unlock the endless possibilities of your phone notepad. Vide is a simple and convenient tool for finding useful contacts, which works on the principle of six degrees of separation: there is always someone among acquaintances of your acquaintances who is needed at the moment! With this app, you will easily find any expert on the recommendation or offer your services to everyone you know from the phone book and their friends. Try it!
Why download Vide right now?
- To find a proven useful contact (anyone – for example, a lawyer, a doctor or a taster of chocolate oil) quickly and without any fuss.
- To expand the network of useful acquaintances.
- To implement any plans in the shortest possible time.
- To always have useful people at hand, as you never know who you may urgently need tomorrow morning or next week.
Key features of the app
Extended contact list. Vide will expand your phone book by integrating the contacts of all your acquaintances.
Convenient search. You will be able to find useful contacts in minutes.
Excellent prospects. Do you want to attract new customers, employers, clients? Tell about what you do in Vide using a set of concise tags!
Online synchronization. Other users of the Vide mobile app will be able to find your contact on topical queries as soon as you announce yourself.
Help from friends. Vide will allow you to promote your friends’ services and to promote yourself with their help. Tell about your skills, leave a recommendation, and thousands of people will know about them.
Unlimited number of topics. It’s up to you which tags you use for search or offers – Vide will meet all your needs and allow to translate the possibility into action.
Integration with social networks. You will be able to invite your acquaintances to the mobile app directly from social networks, expanding the capabilities of your phone notepad and a list of useful contacts.
Vide is your new horizons and prospects! Try it – it won’t use much space!