Kamus Biologi Istilah

Kamus Biologi Istilah Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Asdapp

About Kamus Biologi Istilah

Biologi adalah kajian tentang kehidupan, dan organisme hidup, termasuk struktur, fungsi, pertumbuhan, evolusi, persebaran, dan taksonominya. Ilmu biologi modern sangat luas, dan eklektik, serta terdiri dari berbagai macam cabang, dan subdisiplin.

Namun, meskipun lingkupnya luas, terdapat beberapa konsep umum yang mengatur semua penelitian, sehingga menyatukannya dalam satu bidang.

Biologi umumnya mengakui sel sebagai satuan dasar kehidupan, gen sebagai satuan dasar pewarisan, dan evolusi sebagai mekanisme yang mendorong terciptanya spesies baru. Selain itu, organisme diyakini bertahan dengan mengonsumsi, dan mengubah energi serta dengan meregulasi keadaan dalamnya agar tetap stabil, dan vital. Biology is the study of life and living organisms, including structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Modern biological science is very broad and eclectic, and consists of various branches and sub-disciplines.

However, despite the wide scope, there are some general concepts that govern all research, so all together in one area.

Biology generally recognize the cells as basic units of life, genes as the basic unit of inheritance, and evolution as a mechanism that encourages the creation of new species. In addition, the organism believed to have survived by eating, and converts the energy as well as to regulate it in order to remain stable state, and vital.

How to Download / Install

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